Loading a Show Director Script

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From Show Director, use the Firing->PyroInfinity Manager dialog to save out the .tbi file.  It will be saved using the project name and in the project folder.  Then from Show Director Control's Settings tab, click the folder icon to browse to the project folder and open the .tbi file.

Figure 2- Click folder icon to load a new script file

Show Director Control can also be configured to monitor the loaded script for changes and reload script if it changes.  If Automatic script reload is selected and the system is unarmed, the .tbi file will automatically reload and the show's script updated.  Once the system is armed, if the script file changes the Settings tab will be highlighted yellow to signal the user of the change.  The user must press the Reload Script button to load the updated script.

With the script loaded, the Show Tab displays the script and the important information related to it.  The ShowDirectorControl application can be resized to fit the display and orientation of the computer or tablet it is running on.  The following show displays the script information including the Macros and Lock Outs.

Figure 3- Script file