With Firing Modules in SHUNT Position, Status Check looks for Firing Modules.

With Firing Modules in ARM position Status check looks for igniter’s continuity in terminals.

1.       Ensure area is clear of all Personnel.

2.       Do not plug in “DeadMan” or Shunt Plug in the Remote female jack of the controller

3.       Check that “Short” led is off

4.       Press Check Status- Beeper will sound
Turn Key ON. Options Display: Manual-Semi Automatic-Automatic
Select Semi Automatic by pressing 1

5.       Plug in PHASE III cable

6.       Check all Firing modules using Arrow key Down \/
in ARM: X is Bad, = is OK, ? is not in firing table

7.       Press STOP when completed

8.       If  a problem is found and repair is under way, press STOP, turn the key OFF and  turn off Field Controller and remove network cable


Two modes: Timecode Monitor and AutoFire (Sync Test)

Timecode Monitor Test

1.       Phase III network cable is UNPLUGGED

2.       Ensure audio radio cable red is PLUGGED into Tape In input and connected to Walkie Talkie.

3.       Press Timecode button

4.       Select Option 1 PYDL FSK

5.       Turn all audio knobs to mid level vertical position. You will hear Timecode in Speaker

6.       Check the clock is running

7.       Check for NO ERRORS or minimal amount (1 to 10 maximum, stable number)

8.       If many errors are seen reduce volume input level

AutoFire Timecode Test (in Sync) – NOT SURE WE WILL DO THIS

1.       ENSURE  Phase III cable UNPLUGGED

2.       No Dead Man or Shunts UNPLUGGED

3.       Verify you are in correct Data Table. (See above Check Status)

4.       Press AutoFire. Beeper will sound

5.       Turn key. Options Displayed: 0=Internal, 1= PYDL FSK, 2=SMPTE, 3=MTC

6.       Select Option 1 to select FSK

7.       Press FIRE button. Controller will display WAITCODE. When time code is received will display SYNC FIND (briefly) then IN SYNC and clock will start running. REPORT TO ZONE LEADER.




AutoFire  - Shoot Show

1.       Dead Man or Shunts PLUGGED IN

2.       Switch on the controller

3.       Keep black button in Dead Man switch pressed or Shunt plug in place in Remote

4.       Ensure Hold fire Orange Light is OFF during the entire show

5.       Press AutoFire Beeper will sound.

6.       Turn key. Options Displayed: 0=Internal, 1=PYDL FSK, 2=SMPTE, 3=MTC

7.       PLUG IN Phase III cable

8.       Red light “ KEY ON” is “on” during entire show

9.       Select Option 1 for FSK

10.   Press FIRE. WAITCODE will display until Time code is received and display is SYNC FIND (briefly) then IN SYNC


11.   At the end of the show, after confirmation by Zone leader, un-plugged cable, key off, switch off


12.   If danger : Turn the key off;  if major anomaly occurs requiring to stop the show: unplugged cable; wait for Zone leader confirmation to turn key on



If Time code has been received (IN SYNC displays) and Lost (INT DRIVE displays), then controller will use internal clock and DON’T DO ANYTHING



Follow procedure for “Internal Fire”

Internal Fire:

1.       Press AutoFire

2.       Turn the Key on

3.       Select 0 for INTERNAL

4.       Press FIRE

5.       IMMEDIATELY AFTER Press button Pause/Skip (above Fire)

6.       Press Arrow down. Script display will show: Cue ….

7.       Wait for voice countdown instruction from Zone Leader and  Press FIRE ONCE

8.       Keep black button in Dead Man switch pressed or Shunt plug in place in Remote